Grupo 6 (most of these verbs are review)

duerme = (s)he sleeps
dice = (s)he says, tells
quiere = (s)he wants
pone = (s)he puts, places, sets
cae = (s)he falls
pide = (s)he asks for, requests
puede = (s)he can, is able to
entiende = (s)he understands
bebe = (s)he drinks
recibe = (s)he receives
cree = (s)he thinks, believes
come = (s)he eats
aprende = (s)he learns
vive = (s)he lives
ve = (s)he sees
va = (s)he goes
escribe = (s)he writes
escoge = (s)he chooses
hace = = (s)he does, makes
comparte = (s)he shares
vende = (s)he sells
sale = (s)he leaves, goes out
abre = (s)he opens
lee = (s)he reads
corre = (s)he runs

Grupo 5 (most of these verbs are review)

descansa = (s)he rests
cuida = (s)he takes care of
canta = (s)he sings
trabaja = (s)he works
nada = (s)he swims
acompaña = (s)he accompanies, goes with
mira = (s)he looks at, watches
camina = (s)he walks
toca = (s)he touches, plays an instrument
juega = (s)he plays (sport or game)
saca = (s)he takes out
llama = (s)he calls
toma = (s)he takes, drinks
lava = (s)he washes
estudia = (s)he studies
regresa = (s)he returns, goes back
saluda = (s)he greets
necesita = (s)he needs
habla = (s)he speaks, talks
baila = (s)he dances
practica = (s)he practices
escucha = (s)he listens
dibuja = (s)he draws

Grupo 4

descansa = (s)he rests
hace ejercicio = (s)he does exercises
limpia = (s)he cleans
contesta = (s)he answers
escoge = (s)he chooses
cae = (s)he falls
va de compras = (s)he goes shopping
recoge = (s)he picks up
se esconde = (s)he hides
explica = (s)he explains
cocina = (s)he cooks
pega (s)he hits
termina (s)he ends, finishes
dibuja (s)he draws
alquila (s)he rents
cree (s)he believes

Group 3

dice (s)he  tells, says
duerme (s)he sleeps
se divierte (s)he has fun
vuelve (s)he  returns
trae = (s)he  brings
sale (s)he leaves, goes out 
come (s)he eats
recuerda (s)he remembers
aprende (s)he learns
corta (s)he cuts
llena (s)he fills
ayuda (s)he helps
gana (s)he wins, earns
vende (s)he sells
cambia (s)he changes
sabe (s)he knows (facts, info.)

Group 2

arregla = (s)he fixes
cierra = (s)he closes
paga = (s)he pays
platica = (s)he chit chats
practice = (s)he practices
pierde (s)he loses
quiere (s)he wants
pide (s)he asks for, requests
pone (s)he puts, places, sets
empieza (s)he starts, begins
regresa = (s)he  regresa 
tiene = (s)he  has
toma = (s)he  takes, drinks
guarda = (s)he  puts away, saves, keeps
da la vuelta = (s)he  turns around
ve = (s)he  sees
necesita = (s)he needs

Group 1

scucha = (s)he listens
busca = (s)he looks for, searches
tiene = (s)he has
habla = (s)he speaks, talks
mira = (s)he looks at, watches
camina = (s)he walks
escribe = (s)he writes
saluda = (s)he greets
toca = (s)he touches, plays (musical inst.)
baila = (s)he dances
juega = (s)he plays (sport, game) 
saca = (s)he takes out
canta = (s)he sings
corre = (s)he runs
va = (s)he goes
lee = (s)he reads
hace = (s)he does, makes