Bullying Prevention @ CNUSD
Currently CNUSD addresses Bullying and harassment through education and training of our parents, staff, and students. Proactively we address bullying prevention through the following categories:
Education/Training – “My student has been bullied, what do I do now?”
- Text Anonymous Hotline
- On-line Harassment reporting forms
- District Public Website and Social Media platforms
- Bullying Prevention Handbook for parents
- Social Emotional Learning curriculum for students
Digital Citizenship/Cyber Bullying
- K-12 lessons on internet etiquette, and safety.
- Common Sense Media School certifications (Raney & ERHS)
- Multi-language Parent resources for evaluating Apps, movies, books
Mental Health
- Kognito – Staff Training program
- Suicide Awareness
- K-12 Intervention Counseling – Resiliency & Coping techniques for students
- Friend-of-Friend pier counseling (9th – 12th)
- CareSolace - Mental Health Professionals Referrals
CNUSD Bullying Prevention Handbook Updated 10.02.19.pdf