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Mr. Katykhin

Hello My Name Is...

Mr. Katykhin

Mr. Katykhin

Graduated from Centennial High School.  Got my BA in Mathematics and Teacher Credential from Fresno Pacific University.  Received my Masters in Mathematics from California State University of San Bernardino.  This is my 14th year teaching at CNUSD.  This year I will be teaching Integrated Math 1 Virtual Classes.  Lets have a fantastic year.  God Bless.

Email: [email protected]

This year's class schedule:    Period 1 IM1 Virtual Class.  Google Classroom Code: eykemzz
                                                    Period 2 IM1 Virtual Class.  Google Classroom Code: mb23gmo
                                                    Period 3 Prep
                                                    Period 4 IM1 Virtual Class.  Google Classroom Code: 2t5zdin
                                                    Period 5 IM1 Virtual Class.  Google Classroom Code: fkedkxn
Period 6 IM1 Virtual Class.  Google Classroom Code: 73puglf

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