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Click the video above to learn about the various science courses.

Students have many options for science courses, and we've described several different courses.

If students have any questions about future science courses, they are encouraged to talk to their current science teacher.

science students

Santiago High School Science Teacher Directory

Erin Baker, [email protected]
Anatomy & Physiology - P102
x 2652

Tracy Espinosa, [email protected]
Honors Biology, Medical Biology, Medical Chemistry - P200
x 2664

Lee Graves, [email protected]
AP Physics 1, Physics - J103
x 2712

Tara Knight, [email protected]
Honors Chemistry, Chemistry - P206
x 2669

Abbe Kya, [email protected]
Chemistry - D103
x 2303

Branton Lachman, [email protected]
AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry - D116
x 2309

Sara Lockwood, [email protected]
Basic & Essential Biological Science - C103
x 2203

Gerry Nogales, [email protected]
Biology, Chemistry - K103
x 2816

Kyle Ricio, [email protected]
Honors Biology, AP Biology - P100

Stacy Smith, [email protected]
Biology - D102
x 2302

Chris Spencer, [email protected]

Biology, AP Environmental Science - C107
x 2207

Caitlin Spivey, [email protected]
Honors Biology, Zoology - K101
x 2815

Jeff Sum, [email protected]
AP Physics C, Physics - J101
My Webpage
x 2711

Jeff Whitson, [email protected]
AP Biology, Honors Biology - P104
x 2653

Leandra Wright, [email protected]
Astronomy, Natural Science
x 2713

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