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College Entrance & Placement Exams

College Admissions Exams

College admissions exams are standardized tests that are used by postsecondary institutions (4 year universities) for the purpose of admissions. In the United States the most widely used admissions exams are the SAT and ACT. Students can help to prepare themselves for the SAT and ACT by taking the Preliminary SAT (PSAT). When taken in the 9th and 10th grades, the PSAT can help students identify areas of strength, areas of needed improvement, and help them to see how much they have grown academically. As an 11th grader, students who take the PSAT and score well enough can qualify for a number of merit based scholarships.

For more information on each exam please click on the appropriate link below:




Placement Tests

Placement exams are used to determine which entry level math and writing class students will be enrolled in either at the community college or four year university level.

For more information on placement tests, please see the links below:

Community College - Accuplacer

California State University (CSU) - Entry Level Math Test (ELM)

English Placement Test (EPT)

University of California (UC) - Analytical Writing Exam

Please visit testing office website for math placement test

requirements for each specific UC campus.

"Wait, I think I'm exempt" - Early Assessment Program (EAP)

Other Placement Tests

Military - ASVAB

International Students - Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

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